Intelligent Multimedia Computing Science
Business Interfaces, Wireless Computing, Databases, and Data Mining

Written by
Cyrus F. Nourani
University of California
    2005 ca. 200 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 1-58883-037-3

Intelligent Multimedia Computing Science is an interdisciplinary field combining the arts, sciences, artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics, and the humanities. The field presented is deeply rooted in AI, mathematical logic and models, modern communications, computer, and human sciences. Academic digital media studies are at times a partnership among Arts and Sciences, Computer Science, and Mathematics. The new fields encompass the Intelligent and cognitive aspects of media arts and sciences, exploring the technical, cognitive, and aesthetic bases to human multimedia intelligence and its computation, the applications to business intelligence, model discovery, data mines and intelligent data bases, and IT. The monograph is a technical and practical book to the popular audience, to the business minded professionals, and to all groups wanting to be on an intelligent bearing to the new field.


Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Creative Multimedia Techniques
Chapter 3: AI and Intelligent Multimedia
Chapter 4: Basic Intelligent Multimedia Techniques
Chapter 5: Agent Computing and Intelligent Multimedia
Chapter 6: The Mathematical Foundations
Chapter 7: Intelligent Visual DB and DM
Chapter 8: The Applications to Business and E-Commerce
Chapter 9: Spatial Heterogeneous Visual Computing
Chapter 10: KR and Predictive IM Diagram Models
Chapter 11: Business Intelligence, Content Exploration, and Intelligent Interfaces
Chapter 12: Heterogeneous Computing, Agent-based Structures, and Implementations
Chapter 13: Abstract Planning, Models, and Virtual Trees
Chapter 14: Intelligent Cyberspace Interfaces and WAP Generic Computing


From basic multimedia computing, agent visual JAVA, to multiagent multimedia computing, EC interfaces, business models, contents, intelligent multimedia datamining, intelligent databases, game trees, virtual and spatial planning, business intelligent interfaces, WAP and cybersafe intelligent multimedia computing with VPN. The book starts with creative intelligent multimedia techniques and IM knowledge representation. Virtual reality and motion pictures applications are introduced with new agent computing techniques applications. Basic practical morph techniques are introduced with animation applications. Multimedia AI systems are presented with visual objects, agent OOP, agent JAVA, and the corresponding programming techniques. A high level Multimedia Language and computing paradigm is presented and applied with Agent OOP. Virtual Visual JAVA and Mobile Visual Object, AI and goal satisfaction with Agent Models and IM Bid Desire. Topics carry on with the practical areas and the mathematical basis, presenting the a comprehensive, gradual, academic and practical course, with ample examples and excercises,on the following areas: IntelligentInterfaces, Affective Computing and Multimedia Cognition knowledge-based Intelligent Interfaces,Multimedia DM, DM with Correlation Signatures, Virtual correlation, Learning and multimediacontent,Multimedia databases, Agent Linguistics Meta-Contextual Reasoning, Diagrammatic computing and Incomplete Knowledge, Multiagent Visual Planning, Intelligent Trees and Spatial KR, Virtual Trees and Planning with Models: Multiagent Visual Planning, Agent Planning and Virtual Trees, Morph Gentzen VR; Spatial Information and Morph Gentzen, The Morph Gentzen Logic, Basic Models,Completeness, and Morphisms, Morph Gentzen Virtual Computing, Computational Illusion and Virtual Reality, Cognitive Modelling, Generic Encoding and Epistemology, Cardinality and Concept Descriptions, Perceptual Computing KR and Diagrams for Relevant World Models, A Visual ComputingLogic,Heterogeneous Computing, KR, KB, and Visual Model Discovery, Prediction and Model Discovery, the TAIM Intelligent Database, TAIM and Discovery from Warehoused Data, KR and Data Warehousing with Keyed Functions Competitive Models and Multiplayer Games, The Stock Traders Interface Model, The Visual DB Asset Management Model, Multimedia Middleware Databases UI Wrappers, Indexing audio and video content Competitive Models and Games, Intelligent AND/OR Trees and Search, The Agent Management Process Models, Decision Trees, A Spatial Muliagent Navigator, Visual Business Objects, Multimedia Middleware DB and Wrappers Interfaces, Content Management System with TAIM, Tiers and RMI Basics, ERP, Multiplayer Game Trees and ERP, Intelligent AND/OR Trees and Splitting Agents, Business Intelligence KM, and Content Retrieval, Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, Indexing Multimedia Content, Information Retrieval, Specifying Multiagent Systems, The Formal Basis, Abstract Implementation By Computing Agents, Agent Ontology, Multimedia Computing and WAP, Agent Language Processing and Models, Authentication and the WWW, Mobile Agents and J2ME, Mobile Agents and WWW, Cyberspace Safety, Cyberdocking via Mobile Interfaces, Mobile Agents and WWW, Virtual Generic VPN and WAP, KR, KB, and Visual WWW Interfaces, Content Management and WAVPN.

The monograph can be used as a university book for a course on intelligent multimedia sciences and all professional career paths within it. This book is a valuable source for the computer professionals, the business intelligence, data mining, wireless computing, IT career persons, students and faculty members working in the fields of artificial intelligence, mutlimedia computing, computer science and engineering, and the popular science enthusiasts.


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